To JINR from all continents Печать
25.10.2011 12:05

It’s the fifth time the students of Republic of Southern Africa came to JINR for practice. Within 3 weeks 28 students from almost all universities of the Republic performed research tasks on the chosen topics. For this time the traditional autumn practice appeared to be international: South-Africans worked together with the students from Ukraine and Belarus.

The director of JINR University Center S.Z.Pakulyak pointed out that the experts of the University Centre will do their best so that the students would not just lose their time at the computer, but take part at the experiments, get acquainted with new experimental installations at JINR and their functions.

“The students from Republic of South Africa were preliminary shortlisted in their motherland.  The number of students willing to participate in this practice was imposing – said S.Pakuliak.  The growing motivation and energy of the students witnessed that the popular tourist attractions are not their only concern.  Though they have a good opportunity to enjoy them. The participation of these students was funded by RSA (about 7% of total value)”.

Global issues are not the major concern for African students (there are some who has interest though). The participants are interested in everyday points to a major extent:  medical  appliances of nuclear physics and nuclear technologies, synthesis of radioisotope for medical purposes. Today there is only one investigating reactor in RSA serving a very wide range of scientific and medical needs, for example treating cancer, synthesis of isotopes, performing scientific research.  The plans of constructing the centre with a new cyclotron in cooperation with Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions  are now under discussion in RSA. With this plan fulfilled JINR will have a new base, where young specialists will be able to work after special training at JINR. 

The task to develop the nuclear energetics at the national level was set by the government of Belarus. For a start 12 students of Chemistry department of Minsk State University attended the practice at Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR. At the same time the group of 6 students of N.N.Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics and Kiev Polytechnic Institute had their own program – they studied grid technologies at The Laboratory of Information Technologies. Ukraine is an active participant at the Large Hadron Collider experiments, CERN (Geneva). Young specialists should master manipulation and holding large amounts of data, the creation and technical support of special web-sites and other details which the experts of LIT already know.

Olga Tarantina, Elena Zhuravliova